Hello my friends! It has definitely been a long time! I am really sorry for that. Having a blog while you doing have the internet is a little annoying. I love to be able to share on here, but I have to wait for time when both the school and I are free. It has been difficult. I am however very excited to be able to share with you all the news and art I have been surrounding my self with.
First off, I cannot remember if I have told you about my show. I think I have but I am writing this at home (with out the Internet, I will post at school tomorrow) so I do not have a way to check. Therefore, I will back track. :) I got invited to participate in a drawing art show at a wonderful shop in Oakland California called Pretty Penny. Check the web site out, it is really neat. I am officially sending my artwork tomorrow, and getting it together has been crazy. I never realized how much time it took to get art actually presentable. I had to frame eight of my drawings/mono-types, and then we had to make frames for six of my scratch boards. It was quite a huge project both with time and money. I think we spent over $100.00 on the frames and at least $70.00 on the ones we made. I still have no idea how much I am charging for everything either. Thats just one more thing that is on my “to
do” list for tonight.
The frames I did for the scratch boards are really neat and, individually, not too expensive. I have a couple pictures of what Simon and I came up with. All we did is have a friend of our cut out the correct size strips from a sheet of wood. Then we assembled them with silicone to make a box, after which we glued them to the plastic. I painted the outside black and covered the inside with foil, to reflect the light we were putting in them. The little lights we found were the most expensive part. They were able $7.00/ea. And run on batteries. We attached them to the bottoms of the frames using the Velcro that comes with them. It was really exciting to see them come together and I am very happy with the outcome.
The shoe in Oakland has been pretty expensive
to get ready for, but by far the most expensive part is going to be the trip. I actually still pretty overwhelmed by the thought of it. I am so excited to get out of Arizona and take the road trip with Simon, but I know its going to cost a lot of money and that makes me nervous. We have been scraping by as it is, and I know this trip is going to cost a lot. Simon has been so supportive though. He told me as soon as I found out about the show that he wanted to be able to go. I am so thankful that I have him through this. He has been so helpful and giving, it really is amazing. We plan on starting the trip on Thursday, the 8th, in the evening, and driving a little past L.A. Then we will get up early and start our trip to Oakland. Since the majority of our trip is going to be driving, we thought it would be fun to make that the focus of the trip. We stole an idea from the movie Elizabeth Town, and decided to make a little road trip “things to do and listen to” journal to go along with our trip. We will take Highway 1 all the way up
the coast, finally ending up in Oakland. It will definitely be a much needed break from life.
So, all this talking about the future, and I have still yet to let you into the art I have been doing all this time. Well I am 17 pieces in debt to you and plan to show them ALL to you tomorrow (which is right now to you....weird) and the next day. I still don't have them all photographed. Shame on me. The ones I want to show you now (uhh..kinda) are the ones I did first. So the oldest I guess. I'll start with the photographs.
The photos shows here are from two assignments I did for class. The one of the building and of the cats are a priority assignment. The building being the aperture priority, and the cats being shutter priority. I like the both and it was fun to do. Well, all of the projects are fun. I am like photography a lot. The shutter priority was especially interesting because I had to illustrate an obvious enphasis on the shutter speed. For me, that meant showing motion with the shutter showed down. Thats why the cats look a little like monsters. The other photos were done while walking around downtown, and are supposed to illustrate the basic ideas of line form shape and texture. I think they do . :)
The other fine art stuff I put up is a mixture of assignments and my own stuff. There are five mono-types. The two months, the black and white woman, the funny egg head man, and the orange and back quote. The month prints are going to be a calender series. Even though I am making the print separate, I am going to but the full calender up when it is done too, since I think that will be an art piece on its own. Still have ten more prints to go though. The black and orange print was an assignment/experiment and turned out pretty cool and the two others were just personal experiments. Fun stuff to do with ink and printing.
I also have up a weird drawing/painting I did of a tree. This just sort of happened. I was watching some art videos and got inspired to pick something up and do art. I didn't have any reference around to started drawing a tree, and ended up with this. I decided to call it eden, so you can find your own meaning beyond that.
The pencil drawing was from a desire to draw a face, and mine was available, so that is what I drew. It turned out well but I can't tell is it really looks like me. The spoon drawing was just me waiting on Simon to pick me up, but I really like it for some reason. I think I like the simplicity. Who knows, maybe a silly little series on the way?
Well thank you all for waiting and I am sorry, once again, for the wait. I'll make sure to keep updated a little better. With the artwork sent off, I will have more time. Until then. ;)