Search An Art Piece a Day...

Friday, March 5, 2010


   Hello everyone! I am so sorry for the huge gap in posting. Our computer broke (oh no!) a few days ago and we had to take it to the doctor.... the Genius Bar at the mac store in phoenix. I got it back yesterday night, good as new (thank goodness...) and once again, I didn't have to pay a dime! Partly from luck, and I'll give some credit to the great service of apple, but I have never had to pay for a repair for this computer, even though it has been out of warranty for about 2 years. Needless to say...I recommend macs. :)
   So, this is not my art update yet. I still owe you 7 pieces!! I have been doing them though, I just need to get them ready for the web. I just wanted to let everyone know what is going on. The drawing is now over! MELLYTHINKS WON!!! Congrats! I will be posting a new drawing within the next week. Thank you to everyone for their continuing support! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hon
    I finally was able to reset my Google Account!
    This is great! I am very proud of you! Always:)
    Can't wait too see more.
