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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Falling behind.

January 30, 2010
It has been a couple days since I posted last, but I have no excuse this time. Just got a little lazy. Still did all of my art though! I was having a hard time this week. For what ever reason, I suddenly got completely burned out on all things artistic. I was just in a bad mood in general. Nothing seemed fun. I think the art part was because I have been doing so many basic, ordinary, what ever pieces of art. Not that I didn't like the end products, doing them just wasn't at all fulfilling. It started to become a mental burden to produce the paintings I was doing. So the past few days I started to explore a little. 
I have always had a really hard time finding a style of art I love to do. I know that I am still in school, and because of that, everyone tells me I shouldn't worry about a "style", but I have been doing art a long time now and would like to be at least heading in the direction. Even with my experimenting these last three days, I haven't come any closer. They were definitely more fulfilling to produce, but still not quite right. I guess I still have a lot more to learn. I think that the biggest problem I have with these pieces is that they are not as good as I think they should be. The Self Portrait painting I did was fun with texture and la
yers, but still amateur work. I painted that one for a while. Well, kind of a while. I have to remind myself that all of these are one day paintings, and dragging them out to be multi-day would probably help them out a lot.
I am hoping I will be able to fully explore the different mediums this semester at school, but I think the following semester I am going to take some technical classes again. I need to further that part of my art before I really find what I am looking for. Doing my one drawing class in Tucson greatly improved my drawing, and so I am sure many classes of the same type will benefit me as well. I will keep you all updated with that, since I will still be doing my challenge at the time! 
Thank you all, as always, for your support by reading this, and don't forget to vote on the poll. So far it is a 3 way tie (since only 3 people voted and all for different animals) and its going to be a little annoying having to try and fit them all into one painting. haha. Don't forget to take a look at the shop at . I am planning on getting the other site up and running in about a week if finances permit it. I am also taking commissions right now, so let me know if you are interested in anything by emailing me. I think that my email is on this blog, but if not, the address is . See you tomorrow (hopefully :).  Only 335 more pieces to go!

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